Love When You Don’t Like

There have been times, if I were to be honest, when I have not liked my wife very much. By the same token, I’m sure there have been times when she disliked me a lot!

In our dislikes, however, we have always kept our love intact. You see, our love has more to do with our promises to each other that we made not only to each other, but more importantly, before God. If we are honor God with our marriage, then love must be at the forefront.

I believe that what C. S. Lewis said, can be applied to a marriage, especially during difficult times: “Do not waste your time bothering whether you “love” your neighbor; act as if you did.” There are times when a spouse may not feel particularly loving, because of some argument or disagreement. However, if in these moments we simply behave as if we love one another, in remembrance of our vows, we will actually come to love each other.

This is because our love is much more than feelings, which can fluctuate. True love has more to do with our actions. So, if I let my actions be the guide, my feelings will follow.

This may not always be easy, but doing the hard things will always lead to growth. We have definitely experienced this in our “woness.”

Humility In Marriage

Think of your spouse more highly than yourself. Putting your spouse’s needs above your own builds equity in any marriage.

Looking to please your spouse rather than your own interests builds trust, intimacy and strengthens a marriage.

Just Hanging Out

It truly amazes me to see and experience what brings joy to my wife. She gets joy out of watching me be content and happy.

For her, it’s not what I can do for her (although I like to do things for her) but to do things with me that bring me joy. She is so selfless!!! Thank you my love!

The way she loves me

Investing In Our Relationship

Taking time to celebrate us and our “woness” is something we live to do. So yesterday, we had an opportunity for an outing and we took advantage of it.

We really didn’t make any plans and neither of us were feeling something extravagant, so we just went on an impromptu lunch date.

Great company, fun conversation and time in each other’s gaze was all we needed to invest in our relationship bank.

My beautiful lunch date ❤️