Everyday Is Valentines

Happy Valentines Day

Valentine’s Day is a special day for couples, married or not. However, if Valentine’s Day is the only day where a married couple is celebrating their “woness,” something is wrong.

The cards, chocolates, heart pillows and teddy bears are fine. But all this should be an expression of what has been going on throughout the year. In other words, the Valentines kindness should be an overflow of the sacrificial, selfless love that characterizes a healthy marriage.

Let everyday be a loving day

So today, let your gifts be not a high point of your union but a reminder of the love that daily makes your “woness” special.

Agape Love on Valentines

According to the National Retail Federation, U.S. consumers will spend just over $18 billion on valentines. This includes jewelry, flowers, cards and clothes. 

Although there is nothing wrong with celebrating Valentine’s Day with a special gift for the special person in your life, there’s no doubt that as a society we can get caught up in the consumeristic aspect of the day. But if Valentine’s Day is truly about love, shouldn’t we focus on what kind of love should reflect this day? Or better put- shouldn’t this day reflect an overflow of the love that has been shared over the past year?  

This day should be a reflection of a love that is selfless, giving, serving and patient. The ancient Greeks called this love- Agape love. This is the love that God has for His children. It’s an unconditional, no holds barred love. It’s the kind of love that is should grow when two become “won.” 

 This love is sacrificial, forgiving, patient and kind. It’s the kind of love that I strive to show my wife on a daily basis, though I may fail. It’s the kind of love we read about in 1 Corinthians 13. It’s the kind of love that Jesus has for us.
So today, let’s celebrate the love that we were shown on the cross. Let’s celebrate Agape love.  

Marriage Valentines 

As Valentines Day has come and gone, I wanted to share my thoughts on Valentines as an acrostic for our marriage life as “won.”


Letting our love life be lively, dynamic and active. Not letting our marriage life to be passive.    


Keeping our marriage alive by paying attention to each other 


We don’t just say we love each other, we show each other love daily 


 Encouraging each other when one may be feeling down. 


Investing in each other emotionally and spiritually 


In all the business of life we make time for our marriage. Never putting  our marriage relationship on the back burner


Keeping marriage interesting by not allowing routine to define our marriage 


Trying new and novel ways to express our love for one another.


Enjoying  each day because tomorrow is not guaranteed 


Letting our marriage life be marked by serving each other