5 Ways to Keep Your Marriage Strong With Kids- #5: Intimacy 

The ripping and running of life with kids can leave husband and wife dazed and disconnected. Not only does the couple not find ways to surprise each other, serve each other, or have date nights, they also don’t work at intimacy

Well, it’s true every marriage needs intimacy. Intimacy can range from sharing our deepest thoughts and fears with our spouse to where one is extremely vulnerable, to the physical expression of a couple’s love. True romance requires time, patience and creativity. This however, is not always possible with small kids around. But that does not mean that a husband and wife should take a pass in intimacy.  

Time and creativity may have to take a back seat to spontaneity and opportunity. In other words, make the most of the small window of time and opportunity you have. Sometimes this may require planning, which isn’t romantic at all, but it is much better than forsaking this important aspect of “woness.”   

As I’ve stated in a previous post  https://twobecomingwon.com/2016/03/20/signs-that-your-marriage-is-in-danger-part-four/, Scripture alludes to the importance of intimacy: 1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”

So, another excellent way to keep your marriage strong with kids is to not forsake intimacy. It is truly important for “woness.”

How do you make marriage intimacy a priority?

Signs That Your Marriage Is In Danger: Part Four

The fourth sign that your marriage could be in trouble is if couples have lack of intimacy. Now intimacy involves much more than sex. Although sex is important in a marriage, it’s definitely not the only thing that will keep the marriage together.   
However, scripture does point to the importance of physical aspect of intimacy in the marriage relationship: 1 Corinthians 7:5, “Do not deprive one another, except perhaps by agreement for a limited time, that you may devote yourselves to prayer; but then come together again, so that Satan may not tempt you because of your lack of self-control.”
‭Webster’s defines intimacy as “a state marked by emotional closeness,” and “a quality suggesting closeness or warmth.”  

So, intimacy also involves hugs, hand holding and my wife’s favorite, “cuddling” in the morning. That may be why I’m always rushing out the door, LOL. These are all examples of showing affection and are extremely important and necessary for a marriage relationship.    

Therefore, intimacy, although physical, also refers to the emotional side of the relationship, which has to do with sharing the our deepest thoughts making one’s self vulnerable. This is the stuff that “woness” is made of.  

What are your thoughts?